All of the phases have resources and tools to help you translate best practices to the specific needs, risks, and opportunities of your agricultural investment project.
All of the phases have resources and tools to help you translate best practices to the specific needs, risks, and opportunities of your agricultural investment project.
The purpose of this slide deck is to communicate to government officials best practices for responsible investments, the responsibilities of businesses under international standards, and how governments can support businesses to meet those standards. This presentation is intended to serve as a template to support the communication of key principles for respecting land rights that companies should adhere to beyond domestic laws and policies.
This resource is primarily intended for use by communities looking to enhance their governance structures to support responsible investment; government officials may also use it to help communities identify a focal point for engagement with investors.
Use this questionnaire alongside the guidebook to support due diligence on potential investment sites.
Use this checklist alongside the guidebook to support productive, meaningful and participatory consultations with community leaders and communities. This checklist is designed to support the initial introduction and consultation with a community and its leaders, although some meeting best practices can be adapted to other community meetings.
This tool kit provides guidance on supplementing an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) with a deeper assessment of impacts to land rights, uses and livelihoods.
The external resources summarized here provide guidance and discuss best practices for establishing outgrower arrangements as a method of compensation or alternative to outright land purchase or lease.
This resource provides guidance on the terms and elements that should be contained within the Letter of Intent (LOI) and final contract between the company and community, as well as within any lease agreement between the business enterprise and the government.
This is a template for creating a letter of intent or memorandum of understanding between the business and the community or the government.
This checklist should be used when preparing and reviewing the final contract
This resource provides a template for designing a strategy for ongoing community engagement and two checklists for evaluating the community engagement plan based on established standards for stakeholder communication.
This resource provides a high-level checklist for evaluating the company-based grievance mechanism developed by the business in the course of a responsible land investment.